Wednesday, February 27, 2013

the wild bunch!

Introducing the immortal orphans (the wild bunch)

Inquest of Missing Time (the motion comic)
Episode 1 ◊ Chapter 1 of 3

Because it is not the regular day for posting! I thought I would share the first frame from next monday's inquest of missing time page 7 which as well is the last frame in our first chapter of the motion comic!

This frame is the first glimpse of the family secret, the cuckoo's nest!
The characters of Inquest of Missing Time
going clockwise around the table starting with our sleeping drooler
Phantasos, Ajax, Lev, Evetta, Decimus, Asclepius, Pluto, Felita, Cebriel, Calva, Zues and Trista
if you want to know more about what to expect on monday click below 

Monday, February 25, 2013

Page 6 (the belly of the beast)

The first reveal! Scopia sinks into the ground and prays fearing the unknown consequences of her families evil deeds. Away from the world in the womb where they have been cooped for years, the immortals orphans live happily under the family's wing. Shelterd in "Neverland" and far from the hardships of life, they comfortably forget about the life outside the womb.

The secrets we keep from the ones we love gives the illusion of comfort, many of us grow in a protected shell that makes it difficult to cope adapting to the changing world around us. our instinct for survival have transformed into helplessness that plagues our existence. We always feel like our time is running out! Its how much we believe we can do that gives us this weakness

Time warp to first page