Monday, May 6, 2013

The Fable ( the moral of the story )

Page 17 of Inquest of Missing Time

At the end of every volume of Inquest of Missing Time, We will introduce a short fable that will shed a light on the morals portrayed the previous chapters. with my initial plan and dreams of animation, I have planned for mini sketch animations as intermissions in mid episode just before or after advertising. these short stories will keep the viewer focused on to the actual drama of the series, this final string will braid the comedy and horror will come together to our special storytelling weave.

Many have argued the idea of mixing the three genres of horror, comedy and drama but i think its the best way for the viewers to interpret my complex story...

I hope you enjoyed our first volume of Inquest of Missing Time. Our second issue will be coming in the next couple of weeks, make sure to come back and enjoy more from our motion comics, interesting guerrilla advertising, games and more inspired drawings by the many that fuel this cartoon

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