Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Dedicated to the music

In honour of the musicians that help me in my motion comic in creating the fantasia like score with a cartoon! I make a character of them as one of the immortal orphans devouring their most important  human inspiration, The concept is that we all feed on each other's ideas or art, and evolve to create our own! The artist Ziko the Ghost which features in our pilot motion comic below, has created musical masterpiece specially for the book and was inspired by its pages!

if you are a fan of electronic music, please follow and support Ziko on soundcloud
also check out more music submitted by fans at Inquest of Missing Time's Soundcloud group

1 comment:


    Inquest of Missing Time gets an 8.5/10 on its review from Curiosity of a Social Misfit! its what I expected to get my readers feeling :)
